Spirituality expert Kirsty Gallagher (Image: Alexandra Cameron)
it is important to embrace your inner goddess and understand your value. As Beyonce would say, ‘Who run the world? Girls.’
There’s a growing belief that we should embrace our feminine energy to become more intuitive, purposeful, and powerful.
“Connecting with our inner goddess is about trying to get women to know their worth and remembering who they were before the world told them who to be,” says top spirituality expert Kirsty Gallagher, who is a moon mentor, soul alignment and spiritual coach, and bestselling author. Her new book The Goddess Path is out today.
“It’s asking, how do I tap into my power and intuition? What is my purpose?”
She believes this is more important now than ever.
“We all have both masculine and feminine energies, which have nothing to do with gender. Masculine energy is the ‘doing’ energy – motivation and drive – while feminine energy is about being and feeling.
“Our world is gripped by masculine energy. We have to quantify things, put them in spreadsheets. But this disconnects us from our own knowing, truth and wisdom.
The, ‘I know there’s something more, what is it?’”
Here, Kirsty shares eight easy steps to embrace our inner goddess.
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take yourself on a date. (Image: Getty)
We often seek validation, self-worth and answers from the world around us. But being your own goddess means understanding that you already hold all the answers and solutions within yourself.
You can start to recognise your own worth without needing approval from others. You can validate yourself without relying on social media.
This empowers us to live differently, with a sense of trust and knowledge.
And with International Women’s Day tomorrow, there’s no better time to start.
Here’s The Goddess Plan, as proposed by Kirsty Gallagher:
Daily check in
We’ve become afraid of our feelings and intuition. When we express them, they are often percieved negatively (for example, ‘she’s hysterical’). But it’s time to reconnect with them.
Every morning, spend two minutes placing your hand over your heart, closing your eyes and asking yourself, ‘How do I feel right now?’ and ‘What do I really need today?’ The small voice that responds might say things like, ‘I need an early night’, ‘I need to take things slow and gentle today’ or ‘I need to stand up for myself today’.
It’s about looking inward and figuring out what you truly need. Let that feminine voice of wisdom guide you. That’s your intuition. The more you listen, the louder it gets.
Mirror mirror
Looking in the mirror is something we do often, like when applying mascara, but how often do we truly see ourselves?
Mirror work can be very powerful, especially when done positively. At the end of the day, look at yourself in the mirror and say things like ‘You did really well today’, ‘You gave your all’, or ‘You were brave’.
Celebrating and cheering for ourselves helps us to trust, know and like ourselves more.
Take yourself on a date
Why not treat yourself to a date on this International Women’s Day?
We often neglect our own needs, failing to exercise or take time for ourselves. But when we do this, we push ourselves down our priority list.
So, why not take half an hour just for you?
Don’t try to fix or care for anyone else during this time. Spending time alone allows us to discover what we truly enjoy. What activities make you happy? What do you want to do? It’s a wonderful way to get to know yourself better.
Rest up
Resting without feeling guilty is crucial for boosting self-worth. You could set aside days in your diary as time to slow down, maybe around the time of your period or the dark moon.
Have a bubble bath, go to bed early, and move at your own pace rather than the pace the world sets for you.
Speak up
Sometimes, we keep our feelings to ourselves when things don’t feel right. But this silences our inner goddess – it’s time to let her voice be heard.
From now on, ask yourself, ‘Does this feel true for me?’ and ‘Does this seem right for me?’
Regularly check in with your feelings. If the situation or conversation is not honouring or serving you, speak up.
Moving meditation
Masculine energy is about containment and control. However, the goddess within us wants to weave, move and flow.
Try standing up and closing your eyes, and feel how your body wants to move. Does your right shoulder want to sway? Is there a part of you that feels achy? Give it a stretch.
Put on your favourite song and dance to it, shake off anything you’ve been holding onto. This helps us tap into the creative feminine life force that wants to express itself through us. It might feel odd at first, but it’s incredibly liberating. Soon, you’ll find yourself moving freely.
Gather a group of women, and share your sadness and successes. (Image: Getty)
Magic mantras
Have a few simple daily mantras ready for when you need some encouragement. This is about reclaiming and remembering that you are already a goddess, and that you don’t need to prove your worth to the world. You just need to remember who you are.
‘I love and approve of myself.’
‘I am a goddess.’
‘I am worthy and deserving of all that I desire.’
‘I trust myself and my intuition.’
Goddess group
Doing a lot of the above alone can be very powerful when you embrace your inner goddess as part of a group or in pairs.
Women have often been made to compete against each other, compared and made to see their fellow females as a threat. But the power of women coming together is huge.
One of the most powerful things about goddess energy is that reclamation of sisterhood and realising that when she wins it doesn’t mean that you lose.
So why not gather a group of women and share? We all have the same worries. Create a WhatsApp group for accountability, and have daily check-ins.
And if you feel sad, tell them – there will be support.
*The Goddess Path: 13 steps to becoming your most intuitive, authentic and powerful self by Kirsty Gallagher (£16.99, Happy Place) is out now.